Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How often should transmission fluid and differential fluid be changed?

I have a 2003 Ford Ranger, if that matters. I know these are not supposed to be changed at the same time necessarily but I was told every oil change for the differentil fluid and about every 50,000 miles for the transmission fluid.How often should transmission fluid and differential fluid be changed?
yeah changing the transmission fluid every 50k miles should be fine it depends on how you drive it. and as far as changing the differential fluid is up to you some people don't change it but its like any other oil it breaks down over time and should be changed, i change mine every 50k miles or so.How often should transmission fluid and differential fluid be changed?
Just check it often and refill when necessary.How often should transmission fluid and differential fluid be changed?
Top off the dif fluid as necessary which will probably be never, and change the tranny fluid maybe at 100,000 miles unless you are having issues or leaks.How often should transmission fluid and differential fluid be changed?
the diff should be checked at every oilchange add fluid as needed but probably wont need it unless theres a leak it should b changed about every 50 thousand miles unless you find metal shavings in it wen u check it....the transmission is a diferent story i own a 2001 ranger and have a friend that works for the ford dealership, it is not uncommon to have worn bands in the trans.(very common in rangers) the dealership hear says 30 to 40 thousand miles but i do mine every third oil change or 12 thousand miles DO NOT have this done at a dealership they recycle the fluid you want NEW FRESH OIL it takes dextron 5How often should transmission fluid and differential fluid be changed?
I change mine in the truck every 10,000 milesHow often should transmission fluid and differential fluid be changed?
not really needed to do the rear end much at all trans once every two or three years... ive never change the rear end fluid just added when low