The '97 Mercury Tracer I just bought desperately needs the transmission fluid changed. I checked and the fluid is clear, but brown. The car has 35k miles and the trans fluid has never been changed. I looked in the owners manual to see what type of fluid it requires and how often it should be changed. The owner's manual said to check the %26quot;service guide%26quot; that came with the car. I checked the %26quot;service guide%26quot; cover to cover and found absolutely no mention of the transmission! It gives specific info on intervals for maintenance, but no mention of changing transmission fluid! What gives? How often should it be changed and what type of fluid is needed? I've always been told to change transmission fluid every 10k miles. Being that it's never been changed in this car in the first 35k miles of the car's life, it has me very nervous.What type of fluid and how often to change it?
OK, its time..... 10 years is a life time for any trans fluid. You need to change it, it all has to come out. Take it to a dealer ( Ford / Lincoln) or a quick lube place that offer the %26quot;Power Flush%26quot; Trans Service. It removes almost 99% of the fluid, you will also need a filter change to. This will be about $150.00 dollars where ever you take it....BUT TAKE!!!! A new trans will be about $2000.00 for that car, it was made in Brazil.What type of fluid and how often to change it?
I think you should be ok. Most current cars manuals recommend the first atf fluid change at 36k (though it sounds suspect that is has gone 35K in the past 10 years). So you look like you are spot on with timing. Take it to your mechanic, and ask them to change your Auto trans fluid, engine coolant, and engine air filter (if dirty) (you can do this stuff yourself if you have a knowledgeable friend or have a good source from google). Having him inspect the brakes is also a good call... schedule to do this soon.. Good luckWhat type of fluid and how often to change it?
you should be nervous, brown is a bad colour on AFT. go online to factory or dealer for info. as to which fluid. Never buy another car from that person again-they do no maintenance-expect tranny to fail earlier than normal-V. much earlier. when changing fluid, fit a filter in the return line from the radiator, and change it often, you may get more life out of it that way. a rebuild tranny is not cheap. If brown does not return to oil after change, you may have some grace period until it does-pay attention to it.What type of fluid and how often to change it?
If you have a manual transmission, they say to change the oil every 30,000 miles. If it's an automatic, change it every 2 years, or 24,000 miles. Do the filter at the same time.
As to the type of fluid, check with the nearest Ford Mercury dealer.What type of fluid and how often to change it?
Every 30k miles usually.
Dexron III is supposed to be able to go significantly longer.
You need type F fluid for your Tracer. Just go to the auto parts store, the type F bottle should say %26quot;for Ford vehicles%26quot; right on the front.